Tuesday Night's Social will feature Karaoke and Rock Band performances by
conference attendees. These will be interspersed with Hack Ack contest
presentations. Use this page to view the conference list of songs and brush up
your act before the party begins. For Rock Band songs, see
this list.
Choose your Artist here
Choose Song Style
Attendee Comments:
My favorite part was networking and meeting new people.
Those of us who have gained so much from this conference need to make sure that it doesn't become the best kept secret in e-Learning.
I just wanted to thank you, again, for a great conference. It was so nice to meet everyone and pick up new information and tips. I hope to go again next year!
Enjoyed the conference again this year. Had some good take-aways from it.
The best was getting to know other developers and discuss our different techniques!
Another super conference!!