ToolBook User's Conference / e-Learning Authoring Conference 2006 Resources
The big news this year at TBCON was the expanded scope. In addition to the both
introductory and intermediate/advanced ToolBook tracks, we had well-attended
tracks on Flash, Management, and Web Technologies/.NET. About 100 developers
from as far away as Denmark, Australia, and England and as close as Denver
traveled to Colorado Springs from June 17 - 21, 2006 to increase their
productivity, learn about topics like SCORM, share tips with other developers,
and have loads of fun. The first three evaluations we looked at said it all,
It's a deal if not a steal!
I loved the expanded scope.
Paid for itself in one session!
Here are a few highlights:
SumTotal Systems ToolBook Design Awards
Congratulations to Don Bair of University Health System in San Antonio for
winning the Best ToolBook Online Training. Robert Dick and William
Ryan of Humana carted away the best ToolBook Productivity Tool award.
Tracey of AMP won the award for the Best International Training.
And past winner Mauro Rech of Buckman Laboratories won the Best Native ToolBook
Application All teams won Apple iPod Minis, courtesy of SumTotal
Thanks go to SumTotal Systems for sponsoring this contest. Katharine Opincarne
and Michael Ormes did yeoman work judging all the excellent entries!
Hack Ack
The topic this year was World Cup, though Mauro's "Word Cup" interpretation was
classic. In what may have been the strongest field ever, Brad Pennington rode
the first Flash entry to a narrow victory over the always-outstanding team of
Mauro Rech and Lee Karns. The Loomis Ladies (Marge Bauer, Mary Gutwein, Tina
Rice, and Lucy McKain) showed that even relatively new ToolBook developers can
accomplish. Adam Brown had the crowd ready to march into a soccer stadium and
Erik Jaros taught them the chants from around the world. All these great
applications followed by memorable karaoke performances made the Tuesday night
reception quite a good time!
Attendee Comments:
Paid for itself in one session.
Great location!
My favorite part was the evening receptions. Very fun.
Very good bargain.
Excellent value for the money.
Best yet!