ToolBook User's Conference / e-Learning Authoring Conference 2007 Resources
The ninth year of The ToolBook User's Conference and the second year of The
e-Learning Authoring Conference was another big success. With Dan Carr and Dane
Williams joining Adam Brown on our Flash track faculty, we had the Flash
developers as jazzed as the ToolBook developers. Almost 100 developers from
around the country as well Australia, Canada, Denmark, and the UK converged on
Colorado Springs from July 28 - August 1 to share knowledge on ToolBook 9,
increase their skills in Flash, learn about management topics like SCORM, share
tips, meet new friends, and reconnect with old ones. We haven't had time
to dig through the evaluations yet, but here are some early emails we received:
TBCON was a terrific experience – the location, the sessions, the fun, the
ambiance – loved just everything about it!
I just cannot thank you, your family, and other associates for hosting and
managing one of the best conferences I have ever been to. I am so happy I
This year's TBCON was excellent. It was very productive for the our team. You
do a great job with this conference. A good balance between learning new
things, connecting with peers, interfacing with SumTotal personnel, and
discovering potential partners and future customers.
Here are a few highlights:
SumTotal Systems ToolBook Design Awards
Congratulations to these design award winners:
Best ToolBook Online Training
- Dan Richards, Interactive Advantage Corporation
Best ToolBook Native Application
– Mauro Rech, Buckman Laboratories
Best International Training
- Virginia Westwood, Protea Textware Pty Ltd
Best ToolBook Productivity Tool – Lee Jay Karns, Vertical View
Software Associates and Tom Hall, TCC Publishing, Inc.
All teams won a portable GPS system, courtesy of SumTotal Systems.
Thanks go to SumTotal Systems for sponsoring this contest. Sheri Miller and
Michael Ormes did great work judging all the excellent entries!
Hack Ack
The topic this year was Car Talk. Iris Peceny and Tina Lechner won a close vote over
Mauro Rech and Lee Jay Karns. Mike Cline and Bob Culver put in a strong effort
as well. Combining these with Tim Barham and Tomas Lund's "Aging Rock Star"
performance and some excellent karaoke made Tuesday night's reception memorable
Attendee Comments:
Colorado Springs--and the college--is a great location.
I couldn't have thought of or picked a better place.
Colorado Springs is a beautiful location.
The food was absolutely the best!
I really enjoyed my time at the conference. So much information and not enough time.
TBCON is a great investment and time well spent!